新加坡万礼飞禽天堂 Mandai Singapore Bird Paradise,飞禽保护区 Wing Sanctuary ,澳洲内陆地区 Australian outback,神秘的巴布亚Mysterious Papua, 亚马逊之宝Amazonian Jewels,丰隆基金绯红湿地Crimson wetlands


Mandai Singapore Bird Paradise 去了。




丰隆基金绯红湿地Crimson wetlands




非洲“翼”境 Heart of Africa:

Saddebill stork

Black-crowned crane

Wattled crane

Abdim’s stork

Splendid starling

Blue-breasted kingfisher

Crested coua

White-crowned robin-chat

Golden-breasted starling

Superb starling

Emerald starling

Ashy starling

Vasa parrot

Red-winged starling

African grey parrot

Long-tailed glossy starling

Ruppel’s long-tailed starling

Lesser blue-eared starling

Taveta golden weaver

Chestnut-and-black weaver

Grey-headed bristlebill

Violet-backed starling

White-cheeked turaco

White-crested turaco

Purple starling

Blue-bellied roller

European roller

Livingstone’s turaco

Guinea turaco

Great blue turaco

Red-crested turaco

Violet turaco

Hartlaub’s duck

Grey-crowned crane

Meller’s duck

Hottentot teal

African comb duck

Black-cheeked lovebird

White-faced whistling duck


Northern bald ibis

Madagascar crested ibis

Red-bellied parrot

Tambourine dove

Allen’s gallinule

Madagascar teal

Bearded barbet

Spur-winged goose

Western bronze-naped pigeon

Lemon dove

African olive pigeon

Madagascar turtle-dove

Stock dove

Bruce’s green pigeon

Black-winged lovebird

Speckled pigeon

Blue-headed wood-dove

European turtle-dove

Western plantain-eater

Laughing dove

Vulturine guineafowl

Green woodhoopoe

Helmeted guineafowl

Lesser flamingo

Greater flamingo

African sacred ibis

Von der decken hornbill

Red-billed hornbill


West african pied hornbill

Western long-tailed hornbill

Piping hornbill


海洋网联船务企鹅湾 Ocean Network Express

 Penguin cove:

King penguin

Northern rockhopper penguin

Humboldt penguin

Silver gull

Gentoo penguin

Inca tern

丰隆基金绯红湿地Crimson wetlands:

Scarlet macaw

Green-winged macaw

Hyacinth macaw

Blue-and-gold macaw

Blue-headed macaw

Chestnut-fronted macaw

Red-fronted macaw

Great green macaw

Military macaw

Blue-throated macaw

White-bellied caique

Burrowing parrot

Monk parakeet

Red-bellied macaw

Northern red-shouldered macaw

Blue-winged macaw

Yellow-shouldered amazon

Blue-headed parrot

Sun parakeet

Dusky parrot

White-fronted amazon

Roseate spoonbill

Southern screamer

Scarlet ibis

American flamingo

Brazilian teal

Black-bellied whistling duck

Cinnamon teal

Ringed teal

Long-tailed mockingbird

Black-necked swan

Great curassow

Lilacine amazon

Boat-billed heron

Lilac-crowned amazon

郭氏集团亚洲珍禽Wings of Asia:

Hawaiian goose

Grey-headed swamphen

Indian ringneck parakeet

Green peafowl

Spotted whistling duck

Common shelduck

Australian pelican

Indian spot-billed duck

Marbled teal

Common teal

Cattle egret

Baer’s pochard

Mandarin duck

White-winged duck

Lesser adjutant stork

Black-faced spoonbill

Masked lapwing

Swan goose

Bar-headed goose

Milky stork

Argus pheasant

Grey junglefowl

Black-naped oriole

Germain’s peacock pheasant

Pink-necked green pigeon

Elegant imperial pigeon

Pink-headed imperial pigeon

Pied imperial pigeon

Asian pied starling

Common green magpie

Asian black-necked stork

Crested mynah

Asian glossy starling

White-crested laughingthrush

Common hill mynah

Bank mynah

Plum-headed parakeet

Rufous night heron

Greater racket-tailed drongo

Luzon hornbill

Papuan hornbill

Southern oriental-pied hornbill (only during keeper talks)

Rufous hornbill (only during keeper talks)

Asian koel

Golden pheasant

 亚马逊之宝Amazonian Jewels:

Green oropendola

Blue-throated piping-guan

Toco toucan

Saffron toucanet

Chestnut-eared aracari

Amazonian motmot

Andean cock-of-the-rock

Razor-billed curassow

Blue-backed tanager

Crimson-bellied parakeet

Pearly parakeet

Green-cheeked conure

Red-crowned amazon

Peruvian cobalt-winged parakeet

Golden parakeet

Yellow-faced amazon

Jandaya parakeet

Eared dove

Chaco chachalaca

Blue-grey tanager


Red-crested cardinal

Helmeted curassow

Peruvian pigeon\

Bare-faced curassow

Blue ground-dove

Red-fan parrot

Ruddy quail-dove

Yellow oriole

Moriche oriole

Yellow-hooded blackbird

Black-spotted barbet

Pileated parrot

Crested quail-dove

Channel-billed toucan

White-crowned pigeon

森林之歌Songs of the Forest:

Golden-crested mynah

Yellow-faced mynah


White-eared catbird

Brahminy starling

White-shouldered starling

Horned parakeet

Red-winged laughingthrush

Iberian azure-winged magpie

Asian fairy bluebird

Chestnut-naped imperial-pigeon

Purple-tailed imperial-pigeon

Bali mynah

Fire-tufted barbet

White-rumped shama

White-throated laughingthrush

Green broadbill

Cotton pygmy goose

Red-vented bulbul

Pied avocet

Eurasian hoopoe

Sulawesi ground-dove

Lesser mouse deer

Moluccan king-parrot

Luzon bleeding-heart dove

Cinnamon ground dove

Chinese bamboo-partridge

Javan pied starling

White-eared bulbul

Mountain bamboo-partridge

Black-winged starling

Solomon island eclectus

Victoria crowned pigeon

Pesquet’s parrot

Black-naped fruit-dove

Red-breasted parakeet

Black-breasted thrush

Santa cruz ground-dove

Pale-capped pigeon

Jambu fruit-dove

Crested wood-partridge

Sri lankan junglefowl

Chinese hwamei

Barred cuckoo-dove

Pinon imperial-pigeon

Eurasian blackbird

Bronze-tailed peacock-pheasant

Red-whiskered bulbul

Straw-headed bulbul

Yellow-breasted fruit-dove

Blue-rumped parrot

Blossom-headed parakeet

Grey-backed thrush

Chestnut-backed thrush

彩鹦谷Lory Loft:

Chattering lory

Yellow-bibbed lory

Black-capped lory

Dusky lory

Purple-naped lory

Red lory

White cockatoo

Blue-eyed cockatoo

Common crowned pigeon

Yellow-streaked lory

Seychelles magpie-robin

Northern cassowary

Purple-bellied lory

Red-collared lory

Brown lory

Rainbow lorikeet

Marigold lorikeet

Red-breasted lorikeet

Citron-crested cockatoo

Red-billed blue magpie

神秘的巴布亚Mysterious Papua:

Spice imperial-pigeon

Salmon-crested cockatoo

Souther cassowary

Nicobar pigeon

Palm cockatoo

Metallic pigeon

Tanimbar corella

Blue-winged kookaburra

‘Sclater’s crowned pigeon

Ornate lorikeet

Coconut lorikeet

Iris lorikeet

Yellow-crested cockatoo

Sumba eclectus

Northern papuan king-parrot

Island imperial-pigeon

Silver-tipped imperial-pigeon

澳洲内陆地区Australian outback:

Common emu

Laughing kookaburra

Australian king-parrot

Scaly-breasted lorikeet


Papuan eclectus

Major mitchell's cockatoo

Magpie goose

Cape barren goose

Freckled duck

Radjah shelduck

Tawny frogmouth

Plumed whistling duck

Red-tailed black cockatoo

Straw-necked ibis

Australian wood duck

Red-necked wallaby

Only at shows:

Yellow-naped amazon

Yellow-headed amazon

Dalmatian pelican

Great white pelican

Spot-billed pelican

White-backed vulture

Cinereous vulture

Common barn owl

Buffy fish owl

Himalayan griffon vulture

Turkey vulture

White-bellied sea eagle

Southern-crested caracara

Marabou stork

American bald eagle

Brahminy kite

粉背鹈鹕  Pink Necked Pelican

飞禽保护区  Winged Sanctuary (still incomplete in construction):

Black hornbill

Rhinoceros hornbill

Great-pied hornbill

White-crowned hornbill

Sulawesi hornbill

Northern african grey hornbill

Knobbed hornbill

Wreathed hornbill

Mountain peacock-pheasant

Crowned hornbill

Wrinkled hornbill

Southern ground hornbill

Vietnam pheasant

Black-casqued hornbill

Blue-crowned laughingthrush

Malay crested fireback

Baya weaver

Siamese fireback

Greater green leafbird

Grey peacock-pheasant

Hooded pitta

Philippine eagle

Malay crestless fireback
